“Every decision you make affects someone very special: your future self”

Have you ever wondered what the future “you” will be like?

It’s something you should consider daily in your inward thinking.

Too many people don’t make time for this activity, and by doing so limit their future self. And many times it leads to a quitter mentality. How do I know? Because that was me for many years. But by God’s grace I saw something I didn’t like in myself and decided my future self needed a change. Quitting on things was no longer an option.

When you give up on your dreams and quit, you’re not just hurting “you” right now, you’re killing the future “you” as well. That future “you” is bound by the decisions you make today. One day you will become that future “you” and wish you could change that decision you made to quit. By then, it’s too late to change the past. Remember, there aren’t any rewind buttons on life.

I know you think it’s impossible and your only option is to quit, but that’s because you may have reached your perceived breaking point. I’ve been there myself … may times. I’ve reached a level of failure that has become insurmountable. I have felt like I couldn’t go on and life had no meaning. But thank God I didn’t. It made me stronger by committing to “making it through.” And the “you” I am today is very grateful to my past “you” for making that decision.

Our emotional state can, at times, get cloudy. Hey, we’re all human after all, but you don’t need to quit; there’s always a way.

If you’re felling challenged in life, rather than quitting, the best thing you can do … and this may sound really simple, and it is … take a break and get out of your head for a while. Go somewhere far away and contemplate the meaning of your life and why you’re still here. Refocus on your purpose and you WHY! And then get back in the game!